Course Description

This 5-day C Programming Introduction training course will enable students to design and write programs in the C programming language.


Programming experience in a language such as Pascal, COBOL, Visual Basic, or assembler.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for experienced software developers who are new to the ANSI C language.

Further Training

After some further on-the-job programming experience with the C language, we recommend students attend our
C Programming Advanced training course to gain higher-level skills in the usage of the C language.

Course content

Introduction to C
What is C?
Features of C
Why Program in C?
History of C
Current Status and Future
An Overview of C
The First Program
How to Compile and Run a C Program
Execution Flow Control
The for Loop
Character I/O
A File Copier Program
A Look at Arrays
Stock Values
The char Data Type
Strings (Character Arrays)
A Look at Functions
Data Types and Variables
Fundamental Data Types
Data Type Values and Sizes
Variable Declarations
Variable Names
Character Constants
String Constants
Operators and Expressions
What are Expressions?
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Assignment Operator
Expressions Have Resulting Values
True and False
Logical Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators (++ and –)
Increment and Decrement Operators: Examples
‘Operate-Assign’ Operators (+=, *=, …)
Conditional Expression
Operator Precedence
Precedence and Order of Evaluation
Evaluation of Logical Operators
Type Conversions
The Cast Operator
Bitwise Logical Operators
Control Flow
if – else
do – while()
The break Statement
The continue Statement
What is a Function?
Why Use Functions?
Anatomy of a Function
Arguments Passed by Value
Addresses of Arguments Can Be Passed
When to Use the Return Statement
Returning Non-Integer Values
Functions in Multiple Source Files
A Simple make File
The Concept of Variable Scope
Automatic Variables
Global (External) Variables
Static Variables
External Static Variables
The C Preprocessor
Symbolic Constants
Macro Substitution
File Inclusion
Pointers and Arrays
What is a Pointer?
Pointer Operators
Why Use Pointers?
The & Operator
Pointers and Arrays
Pointer Arithmetic
Arrays and Pointers
Array Names are Constant Pointers
Passing Arrays to Functions
Initializing Arrays
Advanced Pointers
Pointer Initialization
Command-Line Arguments
Strings and Character Pointers
Arrays of Pointers
Command-Line Arguments
Access Through Pointers
Functions and Pointers
Comparison of Structures and Arrays
Structure Definitions
Structure Declarations
Structure Parameter Passing by Reference
Pointers to Structures
Structure Parameter Passing Again
Arrays of Structures
The malloc Routine
File I/O in C
File Streams
Predefined Streams
The fprintf Function
The fscanf Function
The fputs and fgets Functions
The fwrite and fread Functions
System I/O