Course Description
This 2-day, hands-on IBM z/OS JCL Advanced Concepts training course presents advanced coding techniques for creating efficient JCL in the z/OS environment. Included in this course is an introduction to the new JCL functions in the z/OS operating system using System Managed Storage (SMS). Efficiency techniques for coding advanced JCL are presented to ensure the optimum use of JCL and system resources. Hands-on workshops are used to reinforce concepts. The Job Entry Subsystem is examined in more detail and comparisons between JES2 and JES3 are made. The z/OS utilities are referenced throughout the materials and used in workshops.
Attendance at our IBM z/OS JCL & Utilities Introduction training course, or equivalent experience.
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for practitioners who currently use JCL in a z/OS environment and need to extend their knowledge beyond the basic JOB, EXEC and DD statements.
Further Training
After some further on-the-job programming experience with JCL, we recommend students attend our
IBM z/OS JCL Advanced training course to gain higher-level skills in the usage of JCL.
Course content
JCL procedures & Symbolic Variables
Building a Procedure
Procedure Definition
Procedure Variables
Assigning Default Values
Disallowed Operands
JCL Over-rides
Nested Procedures
Alternatives to Procedures
The OUTPUT Statement
Printing Parameters
Traditional Printing
Extended Print Services
TCP/IP Operands
Delivery Operands
Sending E-mails in z/OS