Course Description

This three-day Python Programming Introduction training course provides the student with the knowledge to create and run Python scripts that include:

  • Python-specific data structures,
  • Python functions,
  • Python modules,
  • and Python classes.

This course is taught using Python version 2.7.


Basic computer knowledge and keyboarding skills are the only pre-requisites for this course.

Who is this course for?

Python Programming Introduction is for administrators, developers, and users who are new to the Python language.

Course content

Meet Python

Origin of Python
Where to Get Python
Invoking Python
Other Python Implementation
Python Resources

Handling Numbers and Strings

Numeric Data
Using Numbers
String Data
Using Strings

Variable and Data Structures

Numeric and String Variables
Additional Resources

Control Flow

Controlling the Flow
The if Statement
The while Statement
The for Statement
The range() Function and Loops
Other Statements with Loops

Conditional Expressions

Conditions and Conditional Expressions
Numeric Comparisons and Conditions
Comparing Strings
Complex Conditions

Basic Input and Output

Reading Input
Simple Output
Formatted Output


Creating Functions
Invoking Functions
Returning Values from Functions
Passing Parameters
More About Function Arguments
Scope of Variables
Lambda Functions

Using Modules

What are Modules?
Creating Modules
Using Modules
More About Modules
Compiled Modules
Standard Modules

Introduction to Classes

What is a Class?
Defining a Class
Defining Class and Instance Attributes
Defining Methods
Instantiating a Class

Regular Expressions
Pattern Matching vs. Wildcards
Compiling Regular Expressions
Matching vs. Searching
Regular Expressions: Metacharacters
The Problem with \
Special Backslash Sequences
Using MatchObject
Additional Regular Expression Operation
Additional Resources


File Handles and File-like Objects
Opening and Closing Files
Reading from Files
Writing to Files
Moving Around in Files
The pickle Module

Errors and Exceptions

Errors, Exceptions, and Warnings
Raising an Exception
User Defined Exceptions
Catching and Handling Exceptions
The raise Statement