Course Description
This 5-day Java Programming Introduction training course provides an intensive and hands-on introduction to the Java programming platform. The course emphasises becoming productive quickly as a Java application developer. The course quickly covers the Java language syntax and then moves into the object-oriented features of the language.
Students will then use several of the provided Java Platform API packages, such as I/O streams, collections, Swing GUI programming, threads, and accessing a database with JDBC. The course concludes with a chapter on performance tuning with hints and best practices for writing efficient applications. Appendices on sockets, regular expressions and J2EE are also available for further study.
Knowledge of a programming language. Knowledge of C or C++ is not a specific requirement.
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for experienced software developers who are moving to object-oriented programming using the Java platform.
Further Training
After some further on-the-job programming experience with the Java platform, we also recommend students attend our Java Programming Advanced training course to gain higher-level skills in the usage of Java.
Course Content
Getting Started with Java SE
What is Java?
How to Get Java
A First Java Program
Compiling & Interpreting Applications
The JDK Directory Structure
Language Fundamentals
A Java Program
If Statements
Switch Statements
Loop Statements
Syntax Details
Primitive Datatypes
Expressions in Java
Enhanced for Loop
Objects and Classes
Defining a Class
Creating an Object
Instance Data & Class Data
Access Modifiers
Using Java Objects
Printing to the Console
printf() Format Strings
StringBuilder and StringBuffer
Methods and Messages
Parameter Passing
Comparing and Identifying Objects
Destroying Objects
Using the Primitive-Type Wrapper Classes
Inheritance in Java
Inheritance in Java
Method Overriding
The Object Class
Advanced Inheritance and Language Constructs
Enumerated Types – Pre-Java 5.0
Enumerated Types Today
More Enumerated Types
Abstract Classes
Using Interfaces
The import Statement
Static Imports
CLASSPATH and Import
Defining Packages
Package Scope
Exception Handling
Exceptions Overview
Catching Exceptions
The finally Block
Exception Methods
Declaring Exceptions
Defining and Throwing Exceptions
Errors and Runtime Exceptions
Input/Output Streams
Overview of Streams
Bytes vs. Characters
Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams
File Object
Binary Input & Output
PrintWriter Class
Reading and Writing Objects
Basic and Filtered Streams
Core Collection Classes
The Collections Framework
The Set Interface
Set Implementation Classes
The List Interface
List Implementation Classes
The Queue Interface
Queue Implementation Classes
The Map Interface
Map Implementation Classes
Collection Sorting and Tuning
Using Java 5.0 Features with Collections
Sorting with Comparable
Sorting with Comparator
Sorting Lists and Arrays
Collections Utility Methods
Tuning ArrayList
Tuning HashMap and HashSet
Inner Classes
Inner Classes
Member Classes
Local Classes
Anonymous Classes
Instance Initializers
Static Nested Classes
Introduction to Swing
AWT and Swing
Displaying a Window
GUI Programming in Java
Handling Events
Arranging Components
A Scrollable Component
Configuring Components
Using the JfileChooser
Swing Events and Layout Managers
The Java Event Delegation Model
Action Events
List Selection Events
Mouse Events
Layout Managers
Introduction to JDBC
The JDBC Connectivity Model
Database Programming
Connecting to the Database
Creating a SQL Query
Getting the Results
Updating Database Data
Finishing Up
JDBC SQL Programming
Error Checking & SQL Exception Class
The SQLWarning Class
JDBC Types
Executing SQL Queries
Executing SQL Updates
Using a PreparedStatement
Parameterized Statements
Stored Procedures
Transaction Management
Introduction to Threads
Non-Threaded Applications
Threaded Applications
Creating Threads
Thread States
Runnable Threads
Coordinating Threads
Interrupting Threads
Runnable Interface
Thread Synchronisation & Concurrency
Race Conditions
Synchronised Methods
Synchronized Blocks
Thread Communication – wait()
Thread Communication – notify()
Java 5.0 Concurrency Improvements
Thread-Aware Collections
Java Performance Tuning
Is Java Slow?
Don’t Optimize Until You Profile
HotSpot Virtual Machine
Garbage Collection Concepts
Garbage Collection Generations
Garbage Collection in Java 5.0
Object Creation
String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder
Inline methods
Tuning Collections
Appendix A - Networking with Sockets
Clients and Servers
Ports, Addresses, and Protocols
The Socket Class
Communication Using I/O
The ServerSocket Class
Concurrent Servers
The URL Class
The URLConnection Class
Appendix B - Regular Expressions
Pattern Matching and Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions in Java
Regular Expression Syntax
Special Characters
The Pattern Class
The Matcher Class
Capturing Groups
Appendix C - J2EE Overview
Introduction to J2EE
J2SE Building Blocks
Servlets, JSPs, and Web Applications
Web Services
Enterprise JavaBeans
Additional J2EE APIs
J2EE Clients
The J2EE Platform