Crystal Reports – Advanced
Business Intelligence, Crystal Reports
This 2-day Crystal Reports Advanced training course is for experienced users of Crystal Reports.
While this course utilises Crystal Reports 2013, it is also suitable for students who will be […]
DB2/SQL Programming Introduction
DB2/SQL, IBM z/OS, Programming, SQL
This 3-day, hands-on DB2/SQL Programming Introduction training course presents the fundamentals of coding Structured Query Language (SQL) in a DB2/SQL programming environment, including data manipulation, data definition and data […]
DB2/SQL Programming Intermediate
DB2/SQL, IBM z/OS, Programming, SQL
This 3-day, hands-on DB2/SQL Programming Intermediate training course presents the next level of sophistication in coding Structured Query Language (SQL) for the intermediate-level SQL programmer. The SQL set operations […]
DB2/SQL Programming Advanced
DB2/SQL, IBM z/OS, Programming, SQL
This 3-day, hands-on DB2/SQL Programming Advanced training course presents advanced coding and application programming techniques for Structured Query Language (SQL) in the DB2/SQL for z/OS environment. All types of […]
MS-Access 2010 Introduction
MS-Office 2010
This 1-day Access 2010 Introduction training course is intended for students who have no prior knowledge of Access 2010.
After completing this course, students will know how to:
- Organize data efficiently […]
MS-Access 2010 Intermediate
MS-Office 2010
This 1-day Access 2010 Intermediate training course is suitable for students who are already familiar with Access 2010. This course highlights the structure and relationships within an Access 2010 […]
MS-Excel 2010 Intermediate
MS-Office 2010
THis 1-day Excel 2010 Intermediate training course is intended for students who are already familiar with Excel 2010.
While the course specifically references Excel 2010, it is also suitable for […]
Oracle PL/SQL Programming Introduction
Oracle, PL/SQL, Programming, SQL
This 3-day Oracle PL/SQL Programming Introduction training course provides a solid, hands-on introduction to the Oracle PL/SQL programming language that is used for creating stored procedures, user functions and […]
Oracle PL/SQL Programming Advanced
Oracle, PL/SQL, Programming, SQL
This 2-day Oracle PL/SQL Programming Advanced training course will help the PL/SQL student take advantage of language features, advanced techniques, and packages and facilities provided by Oracle to develop […]
Oracle SQL Programming Introduction
Oracle, Programming, SQL
This 2-day Oracle SQL Programming Introduction training course teaches students how to create, retrieve, and manipulate objects using the Oracle Structured Query Language (SQL). Students will also be introduced […]