This 2-day Software Testing Advanced training course is This 2-day Software Testing Advanced training course teaches participants a number of advanced testing techniques. The course commences with a brief discussion of black-box and glass-box test models followed by a discussion of practical test coverage criteria for both models. The course then moves on to an in-depth discussion of various black-box testing techniques. This is followed by a demonstration of how the techniques can be applied to both the conventional and “model-based” approaches to testing.
The second-half of the course covers glass-box testing techniques and shows how these may be applied to both conventional testing and the static analysis of program code. The course concludes with a brief discussion of how the techniques learnt during the course can be used with automated test tools.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- understand and explain different test models and their related test coverage criteria
- apply black-box and glass-box test case design techniques to conventional testing, model-based testing and static analysis of program code
- apply techniques to comprehensive exercise examples